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White Papers

116 Recurso(s) encontradofor
116 Recurso(s) encontrado
Aerospace Additive Manufacturing Industry Report White Paper
Why Polymer Additive Manufacturing Makes Sense for Aerospace

Our new report outlines polymer additive manufacturing's value for the aerospace industry, particularly in light of current challenges and trends.

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white paper dental preview White Paper
Evaluation of Wear Resistance of TrueDent™ Denture Teeth.

Evaluation of wear resistance of TrueDent™ denture teeth - watch the comparison of TrueDent to materials currently on the dental marketplace.

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Testing 3D printing materials White Paper
Testing the Effects of UV Exposure on a Variety of FDM Thermoplastics

FDM 3D materials were exposed to UV light and humidity within a QUV environmental test chamber to imitate the damage from sun and rain. Download the white paper, to read the stunning results.

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pair of hands working with heat treated FDM material White Paper
Impact of Temperature on High-Performance FDM Materials

Under the right conditions, 3D printed thermoplastics can substitute for metal, providing the benefits of lighter weight and greater design freedom. But like virtually every other material, polymer or metal, ambient temperature impacts its mechanical performance.

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banner for 3 wp landing page.jpg White Paper
Unlocking Lifelike Anatomical Models with 3D Printing Technology

Discover how 3D printing is revolutionizing anatomical models: 3 whitepapers detail the tech, materials & printers for precise vascular and tissue models.

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3d printer material Testing White Paper
Using PolyJet technology to accurately mimic human bio-structures

Alongside the shift in healthcare toward personalized medicine, 3D print technology has emerged as an invaluable tool for academic medical centers, hospitals, and medical device manufacturers to create patient-specific anatomical models.

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Researchers develop novel hybrid workflow White Paper
Researchers develop novel hybrid workflow

A new digital workflow for the most accurate dental restorations.

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DQBD cycling rider White Paper
Additive Manufactured Production-Grade Saddle SAM.

Maximum comfort at top riding performance achieved with the H350, leveraging SAF technology.

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Using PolyJet technology to produce the most accurate 3D dental models. White Paper
Using PolyJet technology to produce the most accurate 3D dental models.

digital workflows have the capability to transform dentistry for both dentists and patients, and the rapid adoption of dental 3D printing

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3D Printing Suturable Vascular Models White Paper
3D Printing Suturable Vascular Models

To create the most realistic, patient-specific simulation for surgical training, vascular models must mimic how native tissue responds to pressure, punctures, and stitches

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