

亚伦皮尔森 2020年3月26日

不用担心 健康点

人的健康是生命基础。如果我们不健康,我们无法功能化。如果我们无法功能化,它更难享受生活。身处技术革命中,我们解决医疗问题的方法在不断演进。制造商继续推出新机件和小机,我们可以用来改善健康状况和福祉。使用这些新设备,医生能够改善诊断问题并找到解决办法的方式。在这样一个创新竞争市场中,制造商寻找更具成本效益的方法将自己与批量分离,同时仍在创建高质量产品。怀着这个思想,制造商转向不同方法实现此目标。 特别是三维打印前,三大公司找到了克服障碍并创建了他们甚至不知道的通道。



Nidek Technologies is using 3D printing to identify issues with the eye as well as improve the durability of their tools.  Their Gonioscope, a device designed to observe the space between the iris and cornea, has started using 3D printed parts in their prototyping phase.  Since the switch from using metal parts to 3D printed parts, they are able to accelerate their development time and use less parts to construct the device as well as improve the product design.  3D printing has created an innovative avenue for their microscopes that they didn't even know existed before.  By getting their devices to market faster and creating better products, Nidek is able to expedite and optimize the process of helping optometrists care for patients.  See a case study about it.


Syqe Medical项目创建医学大麻吸入器以更好地下药控制。三维打印后,他们能够在短短两周内创建原型由三维打印部件组成。在发现原型阶段成功后,他们再次转向三维打印为临床实验创建工作产品。除金属技术外,他们完全打印三维设备。阅读更多关于它的信息 .


Being a global leader in medical technology, Medtronic had realized they were spending too much time in their development stage and the prototypes they were making used an inconsistent combination of materials.  With this in mind, they had determined they needed a solution that would not only save them time but that would result in clear resolution, a versatile system, and ease of use.  That's when they discovered 3D printing.  Medtronic started using additive manufacturing for rapid prototyping, concepts & testing, technological development, and anatomical modeling development & test fixtures.  The addition to applying 3D printing to these phases of production has concluded in a faster time to market, reduced project costs, increased jobs, and improved design.  This revelation has continued, and will continue, to push Medtronic to stay ahead of the competition and bolster innovation for the years to come.  Check out their webinar on how they use 3D printing .